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16 November 2012

facts about Egypt

Fact 1:

Egypt is the 34th largest country in the world.

Fact 2:
Some of the ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made out of stone.

Fact 3:
Arabic is the official language of Egypt.

Fact 4:
The first pyramid made out of stone was built in 2650 BC.

Fact 5:
Acient Egyptians used to play a game very similar to todays bowling.

Fact 6:
The pyramids of Egypt are the last remaining ancient wonder of the world.

Fact 7:
Egyptians created glass and faience objects.

Fact 8:
Luxor in Egypt are known as the world's largest open air museum.

Fact 9:
The official name of Egypt is Arab Republic of Egypt.

Fact 10:
Egyptians invented the 365 days calendar.

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